November 2013 | New Directions for Digital Scholarship

In the humanities and the social sciences, technology is radically transforming scholarly practice. In light of these developments, scholars are posing new questions as technology continues to alter the horizons of research, knowledge dissemination, public engagement and teaching in unanticipated and sometimes disruptive ways. This forum will examine how scholarship and its supporting institutions might face the upcoming opportunities and challenges of an open, digital and networked environment.

On Friday, 15 November, in the Lecture Hall of the Whitney Humanities Center at Yale University, a world leader in digital scholarship will explore the implications of computing and communications technology for the humanities and social sciences. In partnership with members of the university community, this event will continue a conversation on the new directions for digital scholarship and the transformative, dynamic and innovative role Yale might assume in this rapidly changing scholarly landscape. Yale University Librarian Susan Gibbons will introduce the forum, and a number of innovative, digital scholarship projects from across the university will be featured.

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Friday, November 15th
3:00 PM


Susan Gibbons, Yale University

Whitney Humanities Center, Lecture Hall

3:00 PM - 3:10 PM

3:10 PM

Making Ourselves Indispensable: The UCL Centre for Digital Humanities at Three Years Old

Claire Warwick, University College London

Whitney Humanities Center, Lecture Hall

3:10 PM - 4:00 PM

4:10 PM

Showcasing Yale Projects

Michael Dula, Yale University
Mark Turin, Yale University
Trip Kirkpatrick, Yale University
Lindsay King, Yale University
Peter Leonard, Yale University
Holly Rushmeier, Yale University
Taylor Arnold, Yale University

Whitney Humanities Center, Lecture Hall

4:10 PM - 5:30 PM

EliScholar: A Platform for Open Access Scholarly Publishing at Yale University Michael Dula(Chief Technology Officer, Yale University Library)

A service of Yale University Library, EliScholar provides a platform for Yale research and scholarly output, including journals, conference proceedings, and scholarly papers. It also offers simple portfolio pages for faculty, staff, and graduate students.

Teaching Across and With Yale's Himalayan Collections: An Experiment in Crowd Cataloguing Mark Turin (Program Director, Yale Himalaya Initiative) Trip Kirkpatrick(Senior Instructional Technologist, Yale ITG)

Himalayan Collections at Yale emerges from a hands-on collaborative course at Yale University. Led by Mark Turin but co-taught with colleagues from Yale ITG and two Library staff, and made possible by the generous support of a McCredie Fellowship, the course explores Yale’s network of exceptional collections from and about the Himalayan region as well as technology's role in preserving and presenting or obscuring these collections.

Working with web-based presentation tools and both digital and tangible media, students uncover the material histories and contexts of art objects, photographs, and personal archives, and help to enrich the collections through collective cataloguing. In this brief presentation, two of the instructors report on an investigation into the opportunities and challenges of using technology to teach with Yale's collections.

Mining Magazine Archives Lindsay King (Public Services Librarian, Haas Family Arts Library) Peter Leonard(Librarian for Digital Humanities Research)

What can large-scale digitized collections of historic magazines, such as 400,000 pages from the Vogue Archive, offer to humanities scholars? Scholarship using these kinds of digital archives will require new technical tools, visualization strategies, and engagement with quantitative data — while not losing sight of the humanistic questions that drive research in fields from gender studies to the history of photography. Pushing us beyond the “keyword query” model and toward exposing latent patterns in texts and images, these archives offer challenges and rewards to scholars and librarians alike.

New Image Analysis Tools for Manuscripts Holly Rushmeier(Chair, Computer Science)

Digitally Enabled Scholarship with Medieval Manuscripts is an Andrew Mellon Foundation funded project to create tools for supporting research in digital manuscript collections. One aspect of the project is using advance image analysis techniques to segment and label manuscript pages to enable scholars to locate sections of interests in collections of thousands of manuscript pages. A great deal of previous work has been done in this area, but the methods are either not robust, or require significant user interaction. We will discuss new approaches we are developing, and what sort of results scholars can anticipate.

Photogrammar: A Yale NEH DH Start-Up Grant Project Taylor Arnold(Co-Director, Photogrammar; ’13PhD Statistics)

The first Yale project to be funded by a National Endowment for the Humanities Start-Up Grant, Photogrammar is a Public Humanities Project that offers an interactive visualization platform for the one-hundred and sixty thousand photographs created by the federal government from 1935 to 1943 under the Farm Securities Administration and Office of War Information (FSA-OWI). The images constitute an archive of American life that is a resource for students, academics, and the public at large, mapped over historical county and census data. Photogrammar is directed by Professor Laura Wexler, who has a joint appointment in American Studies and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies and is founder and director of the Photographic Memory Workshop, a cross-disciplinary working group of Yale faculty, staff and students that explores the intersection and interplay of photography and memory. Taylor Arnold and Lauren Tilton (Graduate Student, American Studies) are the co-directors of the project.