March 2013 | New Directions for Digital Scholarship

March 2013

In the humanities and the social sciences, technology is radically transforming scholarly practice. In light of these developments, scholars are posing new questions as technology continues to alter the horizons of research, knowledge dissemination, public engagement and teaching in unanticipated and sometimes disruptive ways. This forum will examine how scholarship and its supporting institutions might face the upcoming opportunities and challenges of an open, digital and networked environment.

On Friday, 1 March, in the Lecture Hall of the Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University, three world leaders in digital scholarship will explore the implications of computing and communications technology for the humanities and social sciences. Together with members of the university community, they will inaugurate a conversation on the new directions for digital scholarship and the transformative, dynamic and innovative role Yale might assume in this rapidly changing scholarly landscape. Yale University Librarian Susan Gibbons will introduce the forum, and a number of innovative, digital scholarship projects from across the university will be featured.

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Friday, March 1st
9:15 AM


Susan Gibbons, Yale University

Sterling Memorial Library, Lecture Hall

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM

9:30 AM

Digital Humanities Curriculum and (Inter)Disciplinary Change

Ray Siemens, University of Victoria

Sterling Memorial Library, Lecture Hall

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

11:00 AM

Going Beyond Digital Humanities: Mainstreaming, Community Building, and Collaborating

David Germano, University of Virginia

Sterling Memorial Library, Lecture Hall

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

1:00 PM

Showcasing Yale Projects

Justine Walden, Yale University
Claudia Rammelt, Yale University
Todd Gilman, Yale University
Paul Grant-Costa, Lewis Walpole Library
Michael Appleby, Yale Digital Collections Center

Sterling Memorial Library, Lecture Hall

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Justine Walden (Yale University, Ph.D. Candidate, History/Renaissance Studies) & Claudia Rammelt (Yale University, Ph.D. Candidate, Classics/Renaissance Studies) The Florentine Libraries Intermapping Project

Todd Gilman (Librarian for Literature in English, Yale University Library) Thomas Arne Beyond "Rule Britannia": or, Media Brings Back a British Master

Paul Grant-Costa (Executive Editor, Yale Indian Papers Project, Lewis Walpole Library) Yale Indian Papers Project: Bringing Research on New England Native Americans into the 21st Century

Michael Appleby (Senior Developer, Yale Digital Collections Center) Digitally Enabled Scholarship with Medieval Manuscripts

3:00 PM

Digital Scholarship and the Archive: Micro- and Macroscopes

Peter Leonard, Yale University

Sterling Memorial Library, Lecture Hall

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

4:00 PM

Closing Commentary and Discussion

Dean Irvine, Yale University, Dalhousie University

Sterling Memorial Library, Lecture Hall

4:00 PM - 4:45 PM