Lake Washington near Seattle occupies a deep narrow trough sculptured by the Vashon ice sheet, the last continental glacier to invade the Seattle area. Extending along the center of the trough is a broad ridge that stands 5 to 30 feet above narrow valleys on either side. Thus, the trough in cross-section is W-shaped rather than U-shaped, as are most glacial valleys. The sediments in the trough consist of blue clay, locally more than 100 feet thick, overlain by limnic peat or gyttja 5 to 55 feet thick. The blue clay consists of rock flour of meltwater origin and the limnic peat consists of planktonic organisms that began to accumulate following the meltwater stage....
Recommended Citation
Gould, Howard R., and Thomas F. Budinger. 1958. "Control of sedimentation and bottom configuration by convection currents, Lake Washington, Washington." Journal of Marine Research 17, (1). https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/journal_of_marine_research/914