To adsorb and retain quantitatively the minute colloidal micelles held in dilute suspensions, fine inert inorganic powders (such as MgO and refined diatomaceous earth) or finely porous cellulose membranes may be employed. Minute micelles, such as molecular hemoglobin, are retained also by setous or ciliary-mucous filterfeeders....
Recommended Citation
Fox, Denis L., Carl H. Oppenheimer, and James S. Kittredge. 1953. "Microfiltration in oceanographic research II. Retention of colloidal micelles by adsorptive filters and by filter-feeding invertebrates; proportions of dispersed organic to dispersed inorganic matter and to organic solutes." Journal of Marine Research 12, (2). https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/journal_of_marine_research/796