A myctophid fish, Diaphus taaningi Norman, is the principal component of a distinct daytime sound-scattering layer lying near 250 m, well above the anoxic, hydrogen-sulfide zone of the Cariaco Trench. The scattering layer produced strong sonar echoes at 12, 25, and 50 kHz; mean sound-scattering strength at layer depth at 25 kHz was approximately --73 dB and at 50 kHz was approximately --67 dB....
Recommended Citation
Baird, Ronald C., Donald F. Wilson, Robert C. Beckett, and Thomas L. Hopkins. 1974. "Diaphus taaningi Norman, the principal component of a shallow sound-scattering layer in the Cariaco Trench, Venezuela." Journal of Marine Research 32, (2). https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/journal_of_marine_research/1291