Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Between the River and the Sea: The History of California's Native Heartland, 1781-1931, Naomi Sussman
Spirit Disfigured: The Persistence of Freedom in the Modernist Novel, Jensen Suther
Motion-based Spatial Vision in Drosophila: Connecting Canonical Levels of Understanding in Neuroscience, Ryosuke Tanaka
Exploring Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction: From Material Design to Mechanistic Understanding, Zixu Tao
Searching for Dark Matter with COSINE-100, William Gray Thompson
Computational Studies of Packing and Jamming in Biological Systems, John Durkin Treado
Burning All Illusions: Race and Rebellion in the City of Angels, 1950-1992, V.N. Trinh
Caryatid: Architecture and the Framing of Bodies, David T. Turturo
Cinematic Laboratories: The Art of Experimentation in the Postwar Avant-Garde, Andrew Peter Vielkind
On the Evolutionary Ecology of Microbial Metabolic Niche Construction, Jean Celestin Charles Vila
Essays on Hedonic Contrast, Guy Voichek
Minor Theories of Everything: On Popular Science and Contemporary Fiction, Arthur Wang
Bosonic Quantum Simulation in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics, Christopher Shen Wang
Modeling Large-Scale Copper Recycling to Support Transition to Sustainable Economy, TONG WANG
Efferent Modulation of Spontaneous Activity in Developing Sensory Systems, Yixiang Wang
Dissecting the Contributions of Langerhans Cells to Skin Wound Healing and the Angiogenic Niche, Renee R. Wasko
Mixed Methods Evaluation of Data Systems for Tuberculosis in Uganda, Elizabeth Bennett White
Uncovering Hidden Diversity in Plants, Xing Wu
Regulation of Hemogenic Endothelial Cell Specification by microRna-223, Yinyu Wu
Drosophila Chemoreception and Threats of the Anthropocene, Shuke Xiao
Essays on Macro-Finance, Xiaochuan Xing
Regulation of TH17 Cells during Inflammatory Disorders, Hao Xu
Efficient Estimation of Signals via Non-Convex Approaches, Sheng Xu
Molecular Mechanisms of ATG-9 Localization and Function in Neurons, Sisi Yang
The Role of Endogenous Retroviruses in Shaping the Host Anti-Viral Immunity, Yexin Yang
Custom Cell Placement Automation for Asynchronous VLSI, Yihang Yang
Econometric Methods for Program Evaluation and Policy Choice, Kohei Yata
Structural Origins of the Stiffness and Work Contributions of the Human Foot, Ali Yawar
The Formats of Spatial Representations, Sami Yousif
‘I Will Sing of Love and Justice’: Jewish Responses to the Theological Roots of Contemporary Virtue Ethics, Sarah V. Zager
A Light in the Dark: Ultralight Dark Matter Phenomenology in Simulations, Jovana Zagorac
Dissecting the Impact of Clonal Hematopoiesis on Age-Related Disease, Seyedeh Maryam Zekavat
On Integrals of Matrix Coefficients Associated to Spherical Models, Elad Daniel Zelingher
Resonances and Fundamental Bounds in Wave Scattering, Hanwen Zhang
Towards Understanding the Mechanism of Wolbachia-Induced Cytoplasmic Incompatibility, Mengwen Zhang
Experimental Magnetic Imaging Study of Novel States on Artificial Spin Ice Systems, Xiaoyu Zhang
Genetic Covariance Analysis reveals Heterogeneous Etiologic Sharing of Complex Traits: Theory, Methodology and Applications, Yiliang Zhang
Statistical Methods for Genetic Prediction of Complex Traits in Single and Multiple Populations, Geyu Zhou
Ion Transport in Membranes with Sub-Nanometer Pores: Material Design and Selectivity Mechanisms, Xuechen Zhou
Machine Learning Methods to Estimate Whole-Brain Effective Connectome for ASD Identification, Juntang Zhuang
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Essays in Automation and Globalization, Daisuke Adachi
Stand Dynamics and Diversity Patterns in Planted and Naturally Regenerating Urban Forests, Danica Anne A Doroski
Determination and Application of Hydrogen Transfer Thermochemistry: Studies of Molecules, Nanoparticles, and Metallic Electrodes, Rishi Agarwal
Patience and Forgiveness: The Meaning of Kṣānti (Pali: Khanti) in the Mahābhārata and the Pali Canon, Mansi Sunil Agrawal
Biogeochemical Controls on Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Streams and Rivers, Kelly S. Aho
Targeting Oncogenic Kinases and Pseudokinases with Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras, Shanique Borteley Alabi
Pathway to Independence: Local, National, and International Dynamics of Civil War and Secession, Mayesha Alam
Analytic Studies of Fermions in the Conformal Bootstrap, Soner Albayrak
Change Management Systems for Seamless Evolution in Data Centers, Omid Alipourfard
Mutations in α and β Subunits of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels in Neuropathic Pain: Functional Assessment in Rodent and Human iPSC-Derived Sensory Neurons, Matthew Alsaloum
Nodal modulator is required to sustain endoplasmic reticulum morphology¬, Catherine Amaya
Essays on Financial Economics, Natee Amornsiripanitch
Inadvertent Expansion in World Politics, Nicholas Duncan Anderson
Born in Flames: Arson, Racial Capitalism, and the Reinsuring of the Bronx in the Late Twentieth Century, Bench Ansfield
The Living Coast: Port Development and Ecological Transformations in the Gulf of Kutch, Western India, Chandana Anusha
How Do Words and Body Language Diverge? Perceptions, Antecedents, and Consequences of Verbal and Nonverbal Emotional Expressions in Close Relationships, Lucylle Alexandra Armentano
Sociocognitive Development Through a Comparative Developmental Lens, Alyssa McSherry Arre
Cosmology and Astrophysics with Dark Matter and Gaseous Halos, Han S. Aung
A quantum-enhanced search for dark matter axions, Kelly Marie Backes
The Novel's Lost Illusions: Time, Knowledge, and Narrative in the Provinces, 1800-1933, Victoria Baena
Making and Debating Empires in South Asia and the Global British Empire, 1756-1799, Tiraana Bains
Lines and Spirals: Everyday Crossings at the US-Mexico Border, Aleshia Barajas
Quantitative Super-Resolution Microscopy, Andrew Barentine
Tissue-Specific H2Bub1 is Required for Cardiomyocyte Development, Syndi Marissa Barish
Developmental Participation of VIP Interneurons in Cortical Dynamics, Daniel Barson
Biophysical Characterization of Somatosensory Responses in Drosophila Class IV Dendritic Arborization Neurons, Rajshekhar Basak
Analysis of the regulation of transcriptional noise in NF-κB-induced transcription, Victor Louis Bass
The Role of the RAG1 Non-Core Domain in V(D)J Recombination and Lymphocyte Development, Helen Alexander Beilinson
Controlling Complex Light Propagation and Statistics, nicholas bender
Wireless Transmissions: Early Russian Radio and Modernist Poetics, Ana Berdinskikh
Viral Subjects: Stigma, Civil Society Activism, and the Making of HIV/AIDS in Lebanon, Elizabeth Berk
The Development of Mathematical Methods for Tackling Problems in Non-Perturbative Quantum Field Theory, Cosmology, and Gravity, Daniel Berkowitz
Organized Dynamics of Neonatal Visual Structures in the Absence of Retinal Input, Maria Sol Bernardez Sarria
Essays on Labor Economics, Marianne Bernatzky Koehli
A comparison of strategies for mitigation of lifecycle greenhouse gases from residential buildings in the United States, Peter Berrill
Interpersonal voice: Antecedents and consequences of speaking up within close relationships, Brian David Bink
Investor Communication and Say-on-Pay, Robert Bishop
Essays in Financial Economics, Thomas Paul Bonczek
The Logic of Escalation and the Benefits of Conventional Power Preponderance in the Nuclear Age, Tyler John Bowen
Early SHH-Dependent Telencephalic Patterning Disruptions in Tourette Syndrome, Melanie Victoria Brady
FisB Mediated Membrane Fission during Sporulation in Bacillus Subtilis, Martha Braun
Cognitive Mechanisms Supporting the Formation and Maintenance of Social Judgments in Physical Aggression, Grace Marie Brennan
Computational Discovery of Structured Non-coding RNA Motifs in Bacteria, Kenneth Ivan Brewer
Expertise, Gender, and Marginality among People who Inject Drugs, Sarah Brothers
Well-Distributed Sequences: Number Theory, Optimal Transport, and Potential Theory, Louis Max Brown
Conjuring People: Pasolini’s Specters and the Global South, Alessandro Brunazzo
Hearing the Tonality in Microtonality, Michael Bruschi
Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms to Characterize Single-Cell Heterogeneity and Perturbation Response, Daniel Bernard Burkhardt
Environmental Mobility and Mental Health in Indonesia, Kate Burrows
Onward: An Ethnography of Latina Migrant Motherhood During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jessica P. Cerdeña
Unravelling the Intra-Cluster Medium with Numerical Simulations and Multi-Wavelength Observations, Urmila Chadayammuri
Three Essays on the Role of Unstructured Data in Marketing Research, Ishita Sunity Kumar Chakraborty
The Biophysical Impacts of Aerosols on Surface Climate, Tirthankar Chakraborty
Migration, Exile and Absence: Catholicism on the British Atlantic Frontier, 1634-1699, Kelsey Elizabeth Champagne
Natural Language Processing and Graph Representation Learning for Clinical Data, David Chang
Making the Invisible Visible: Ageism as a Social Determinant of Elder Abuse, E-Shien Chang