Day of Data 2020
The 2020 Yale Day of Data will be held virtually over two half-days, December 3 and 4.
This year's theme, "In the Service of Data," will highlight partnerships between researchers and the essential infrastructures and services across the university which support data-driven research, data management, high-performance computing, and statistical support.
This year’s keynote speakers will include Dr. Emily Wang, Associate Professor at the Yale School of Medicine, and director of the SEICHE Center for Health and Justice. Dr. Wang’s work seeks to identify the legal, policy, and practice factors that can improve the health of those impacted by mass incarceration, and she also leads the Health Justice Lab, which investigates the relationship between incarceration and chronic health conditions.
Other speakers and panelists will include:
- Dr. F. Perry Wilson, Yale School of Medicine
- Dr. Ellery Frahm, Yale Initiative for the Study of Ancient Pyrotechnology
- Dr. Forrest Crawford, Department of Biostatistics, Yale School of Public Health
- Dr. Pincelli Hull, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Dr. Smita Krishnaswamy, Department of Genetics, Yale School of Medicine, and Department of Computer Science.
Yale Day of Data is free and open to the Yale community. Registration is required.
The Day of Data is sponsored by the Center for Biomedical Data Science, Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Office of the Provost, Yale Center for Research Computing, and Yale University Library.
Browse the contents of Day of Data 2020:
- Spring Discussion Series
- Following the 2020 Day of Data, a Spring Discussion Series in 2021 will bring together faculty to give presentations on focused aspects of their research workflows.
- Speakers
- Schedule