Schedule | Day of Data 2019


8:30 AM | Breakfast and Registration

9:00 AM | Welcome (and poster session winner announcement)

9:05 AM | Opening Remarks and Introduction of Keynote Speaker, Heather K. Gerken, Dean and Sol & Lillian Goldman Professor of Law

9:25 AM | Morning Keynote, Catherine Stihler, Chief Executive Officer, Open Knowledge Foundation

10:25 AM | Break

10:40 AM | Faculty Panel (Facilitator: Linda Coleman, Director, Human Research Protection Program)

12:00 PM | Birds of a Feather Lunch Discussions

1:15 PM | Afternoon Opening Remarks, Peter Schiffer, Vice Provost for Research and the Frederick W. Beinecke Professor of Applied Physics and Professor of Physics

1:30 PM | Introduction of Keynote Speaker, Susan Bouregy, Chief Privacy Officer

1:35 PM | Afternoon Keynote, Asha Rangappa, Director of Admissions and Senior Lecturer at the Yale Jackson Institute for Global Affairs

2:30 PM | Faculty Panel (Facilitator: Susan Bouregy, Chief Privacy Officer)

3:50 PM | Wrap-Up
