Poster Session | Day of Data 2019

Poster Submission Timeline

  • November 18, 2019 - Submission deadline for priority consideration (eligible for free printing)
    • Requests for formatting or other minor edits will be returned to submitters by November 19, 2019
    • Revisions will be due by November 21, 2019
  • December 5, 2019 - Poster Session in Center for Science and Social Science Information

How to Submit a Poster to the Day of Data

All posters should be submitted to the Day of Data EliScholar site as a PDF. Successful submissions prior to the printing deadline will be printed to a physical size of 48" by 36" without any cost to the submitter.

To submit a poster:

  1. Click on the Submit Posters link in the left sidebar.
  2. You will need to make an account in EliScholar to submit a poster. Click on the Create New Account button and fill out the necessary information. This will be your EliScholar account going forward.
  3. You should now be able to sign in and upload your poster. In the poster submission form, your poster is called an Event.
    • Title: the title of your poster and presentation
    • Presenter/Creator Information: will be filled in based on your login. If there are multiple poster authors, they can be added by clicking on the green “+” button.
    • Website: if you have website for your project, you can add the URL here.
    • Disciplines: Choose whichever categories ˀyou feel describe the research.
    • Description: a brief description of your research and poster
    • Data Description Short description or bullet points about data collection, storage and computing, and any other data challenges and triumphs.
    • Comments: skip this field
    • Full Text of Presentation: upload your poster here as a PDF
    • Additional Files: skip this field
  4. Click Submit.

A Twitter-Based Network Analysis of Brain Tumor Social Media

Josemari T. Feliciano, Yale School of Public Health

Discover datasets in the library catalog

Yukari Sugiyama, Yale University
Rowena Griem, Yale University
Tachtorn Meier, Yale University

Gender and Yale: Where Were the Women?

Emily Stark
Patrice Collins
Claire Bowern

Generating contextual text embeddings for emergency department chief complaints using BERT

David Chang, Yale University

Hardware-Entangled Software Execution using Dynamic PUFs

Wenjie Xiong, Yale University

Saving Software and Using Emulation to Reproduce Computationally Dependent Research Results

Euan Cochrane, Yale University
Limor Peer, Yale University
Ethan Gates, Yale University
Seth Anderson, Yale University

Sympathetic Nervous System Reactivity in Women Following Preeclamptic Pregnancies

Nina Stachenfeld, Yale School of Medicine
Charlotte Usseleman, McGill University
Cheryl Leone, Yale School of Medicine
Michael Paidas, University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine

Temporally Consistent Urban-Rural Delineations for Global Urban Heat Island Monitoring

TC Chakraborty, Yale University