EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale - Yale Day of Data: Rotating optical microcavities with broken chiral symmetry


We develop a finite difference time domain simulation algorithm to simulate photonic structures in a rotating frame. Using, the algorithm, We numerically compute and demonstrate in open microcavities with broken chiral symmetry, quasi-degenerate pairs of co-propagating modes in a non-rotating cavity evolve to counter-propagating modes with rotation. The emission patterns change dramatically by rotation, due to distinct output directions of CW and CCW waves. By tuning the degree of spatial chirality, we maximize the sensitivity of microcavity emission to rotation. The rotation-induced change of emission is orders of magnitude larger than the Sagnac effect, pointing to a promising direction for ultrasmall optical gyroscopes.


The research involves heavy usage of the Yale High Performance Computing facilty and analysis of huge data sets.

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Optics Commons



Rotating optical microcavities with broken chiral symmetry

We develop a finite difference time domain simulation algorithm to simulate photonic structures in a rotating frame. Using, the algorithm, We numerically compute and demonstrate in open microcavities with broken chiral symmetry, quasi-degenerate pairs of co-propagating modes in a non-rotating cavity evolve to counter-propagating modes with rotation. The emission patterns change dramatically by rotation, due to distinct output directions of CW and CCW waves. By tuning the degree of spatial chirality, we maximize the sensitivity of microcavity emission to rotation. The rotation-induced change of emission is orders of magnitude larger than the Sagnac effect, pointing to a promising direction for ultrasmall optical gyroscopes.