Day of Data 2013
September 20, 2013
17 Hillhouse Avenue TEAL Classroom
Day of Data 2013 has passed -- stay tuned for registration information for Day of Data 2014.
The Day of Data 2013 featured:
Opening Remarks by Provost Ben Polak
Faculty Presentations
Three panels of faculty will discuss their research's relationship to data. Presenters include:
Nicholas Christakis, Sol Goldman Family Professor of Social and Natural Science, Co-Director, Yale Institute for Network Science
David Rand, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology
Andrew Papachristos, Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology
Greg Huber, Professor, Department of Political Science
Walter Jetz, Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Pieter van Dokkum, Sol Goldman Professor of Astronomy, Astronomy Department
Michael Krauthammer, Associate Professor of Pathology, Yale School of Medicine
Sarah Demers, Assistant Professor of Physics, Department of Physics
Sahand Negahban, Assistant Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics
Administrator Panel
Susan Gibbons (University Librarian), Len Peters (University CIO), and Holly Rushmeier (Chair, Department of Computer Science, Science & Engineering Chairs Council) will provide perspectives on data at Yale.
Poster Session
A short poster session will provide an opportunity for research groups to showcase interesting and innovative ways they are using and/or managing data within their labs.
Service Showcase
This after-conference reception will provide an opportunity for Yale researchers to interact with staff members who support the data life cycle at Yale. Service showcase participants will include data librarians, ITS staff, the StatLab, the ISPS data archive, and the Peabody Museum. Faculty and graduate students are welcome to stop by the reception and learn more about the services that are available to them. Refreshments will be available during the showcase.
Event Sponsors
The Office of the Provost
Yale University Library
Yale ITS
Center for Science and Social Science Information
Institution for Social and Policy Studies
Science & Engineering Chairs Council
Department of Computer Science
Browse the contents of Day of Data 2013:
- Schedule of Events
- Presentation sessions for the Day of Data Workshop
- Poster Session
- Poster Submissions for the Day of Data
- Conference Overview
- Information about the location, the schedule, and other logistics.