Document Type

Discussion Paper

Publication Date


CFDP Number


CFDP Pages



In this paper, we explore a scenario where a sender provides an information policy and a receiver, upon observing a realization of this policy, decides whether to take a particular action, such as making a purchase. The sender’s objective is to maximize her utility derived from the receiver’s action, and she achieves this by careful selection of the information policy. Building on the work of Kleiner et al., our focus lies specifically on information policies that are associated with power diagram partitions of the underlying domain. To address this problem, we employ entropy-regularized optimal transport, which enables us to develop an efficient algorithm for finding the optimal solution. We present experimental numerical results that highlight the qualitative properties of the optimal configurations, providing valuable insights into their structure. Furthermore, we extend our numerical investigation to derive optimal information policies for monopolists dealing with multiple products, where the sender discloses information about product qualities.

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Economics Commons
