CEAS Occasional Publication Series
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Yale CEAS Occasional Publication Series - Volume 1
Sports in Japan have long been embedded in community life, the educational system, the mass media, the corporate structures, and the nationalist sentiments of modern Japan. For over a century, they have been a crucial intersection of school pedagogy, corporate aims, media constructions, gender relations, and patriotic feelings. The chapters in this book highlight a wide range of sports, and together, they offer a significant window on to the ways that the sporting life animates the institutions of modern Japan.
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Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University
New Haven
CEAS Occasional Publication Series - Volume 1, Sports, Body Culture, Japan, Archery, Modernization, William Kelly, Allen Guttmann, Bushido, Koichi Kiku, Satoshi Shimizu, Kenji Tierney, Atsuo Sugimoto, Lee Austin Thomspon, Nagano Olympics, Globalism, Takayuki Yamashita, Wolfram Manzenreiter, Laura Spielvogel, Sumo, Soon Hee Whang, Gender, Elise Marie Edwards, John Horne, Baseball, Ethnography, Fan Clubs, Hidesato Takahashi
Asian History | Asian Studies | Cultural History | East Asian Languages and Societies | International and Area Studies | Japanese Studies | Social and Cultural Anthropology | Sports Studies
Recommended Citation
Kelly, William W. and Sugimoto, Atsuo, "This Sporting Life: Sports and Body Culture in Modern Japan" (2007). CEAS Occasional Publication Series. 1.

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