Date of Award
January 2014
Document Type
Open Access Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Public Health (MPH)
School of Public Health
First Advisor
Joan K. Monin
Second Advisor
Marc A. Brackett
Emotional literacy interventions have been successful in increasing classroom organization and emotional climate. However, little has been reported on the effects of these interventions on conflict resolution and their implications for youth violence and aggression. The aim of this thesis is to determine the early effects of an emotional literacy intervention (RULER) on conflict resolution skills in middle school aged children by examining the link between RULER and conflict resolution, including emotion regulation as a mediator. This was done using a multi-method, multi-level approach. Data from 57 sixth-grade classrooms (N=754) were analyzed and included conflict resolution scores and emotion regulation scores. Multi-level mediation analyses showed that there was no early effect of RULER on conflict resolution or emotion regulation, and therefore, there was no mediation. However, interaction analyses revealed that RULER significantly and positively impacted boys' scores but was less successful in increasing scores of Hispanic students. The discussion highlights the potential role of emotional literacy interventions in promoting emotion management and effective conflict resolution skills and reducing violence and aggression.
Recommended Citation
Haynes, Monique, "Emotional Intelligence & Conflict Resolution In Middle School Aged Children: The Early Effects Of An Emotional Literacy Intervention (ruler)" (2014). Public Health Theses. 1122.
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This is an Open Access Thesis.