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General Hospital Society of Connecticut and the New Haven Dispensary, 1943-1944. Year ending June 30, 1944.
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New Haven, CT
Frederick H. Wiggin, Harry C. Knight, Thomas W. Farnam, WWII, infantile paralysis epidemic, Volunteers, Men’s Volunteers, Junior Volunteers, Red Cross.
Recommended Citation
General Hospital Society of Connecticut, "General Hospital Society of Connecticut 1943 - 1944" (1944). Yale New Haven Hospital Annual Reports. 21.
In cooperation with the Schools of Medicine and Nursing of Yale University, the Hospital continued to do its part in the training of much-needed military professional personnel in 1944. The number of physicians on the House Staff was reduced, and the training of those physicians going into military service was accelerated from 18 and 24 months to 9 months. A total of 338 staff serving in the armed forces during the war. Bed capacity was lowered due to the nursing shortage. A Joint Committee of the Hospital and Yale University was created to clarify and strengthen the relationship between the two institutions.
Images include: Those who serve, operating room, employment interview, Fitkin I – Isolation, Volunteers, Diversional Therapy, researcher working on poliomyelitis, the iron lung, and nurse with geriatric patient.