Digitalis in Hemorrhagic Shock

Alexander F. Dora, Yale University



Five mongrel dogs were hemorrhaged to an arterial pressure of 35 mm. Hg . The blood pressure was allowed to fluctuate after ouabain injection. It was found that after drug injection this group was not different from a control group of two dogs, in terms of rise in cardiac output and oxygen consumption. Ten mongrel dogs were hemorrhaged to an arterial pressure of 35 mm. Hg., with maintenance of this pressure throughout the experiments. Ouabain, vasoxyl, isuprel, and saline were given at the appropriate times. It was found that under these conditions, ouabain acted similarly to the vasopressor, vasoxyl, in terms of decreasing both cardiac output and oxygen consumption. The implication of this similarity is discussed in light of the accepted detrimental effects of vasopressors in hemorrhagic shock.