Date of Award
January 2012
Document Type
Open Access Thesis
Degree Name
Medical Doctor (MD)
First Advisor
Dr. Debbie Humphries
Subject Area(s)
Public health
Garden-based nutrition interventions focus on improving food security and
food diversity through the creation and augmentation of homestead food production.
This study assesses the impact of a garden-based nutrition intervention on the
consumption of vitamin A rich foods and household food security in rural
communities of the Dominican Republic. It was hypothesized that communities
participating in the intervention would experience a statistically significant increase in
vitamin A rich food consumption and improved household food security compared to
control communities. Validated "Vitamin A Food Frequency" and "Food Security"
questionnaires were conducted by convenience sampling of households containing a
pregnant woman or a child under the age of five years in two control, two
intervention, and fourteen non-case/non-control communities before the initiation of a
garden-based nutrition intervention. In case and control communities, interviews
were conducted both before the intervention (n=69) and two years after its initiation
(n=45). Pre- and post-intervention analysis revealed an increase in average weekly
intake of vitamin A rich foods in both intervention and control communities (p<0.05)
but the treatment effect did not reach significance. Both control and intervention
communities experienced statistically insignificant improvements of food security.
These results indicate that garden-based nutrition interventions may be a valuable
means to enhance vitamin A food intake in rural settings in developing countries,
though a larger sample size may be needed to reach statistical significance.
Recommended Citation
Binford, John Christopher, "A Garden-Based Nutrition Intervention In The Rural Dominican Republic - Impact On Vitamin A Rich Food Consumption And Household Food Security" (2012). Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library. 1691.

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This is an Open Access Thesis.