Tracking the Harmonium from Christian Missionary Hymns to Sikh Kirtan
Gurminder Kaur Bhogal
Observant Dominican Nuns’ Processionals in Fifteenth-Century Germany: Evidence From Manuscripts of the Beinecke Library
Eleanor J. Giraud
(Special Section Introduction) Hymns Beyond the Congregation: Constructions of Identity and Legacies of Meaning
Erin G. Johnson-Williams and Philip Burnett
(Special Section) Translating Race: Mission Hymns and the Challenge of Christian Identity
Philip Burnett
(Special Section) Sonic Congregating: The Hymn as National British Spectacle
Erin G. Johnson-Williams
The Malay Nobat: A History of Power, Acculturation, and Sovereignty
Abdul Haque Chang
Healing for the Soul: Richard Smallwood, the Vamp, and the Gospel Imagination
Horace J. Maxile Jr.