

In this review of Ari Y. Kelman's Shout to the Lord: Making Worship Music in Evangelical America, I describe the strengths and challenges of examining the cultural production of worship music thematically, as Kelman has chosen to focus on songwriting, worship leading, and the music industry in sequence.

Author Biography

Andrew Mall (Ph.D. University of Chicago, 2012) is Assistant Professor of Music at Northeastern University. His research and teaching focus on research methods; nostalgia, collecting, and consumption; categories of mainstream and underground musics; histories of the recording industries; music festivals; the political economies of evangelical congregational musics; and the organizational practices and hierarchies of small and large institutions in music industries. His current book project is titled Music on the Margins: Niche Markets, Christian Rock, and Popular Music. He is co-editor, with Jeffers Engelhardt and Monique M. Ingalls, of the forthcoming volume Studying Congregational Music: Key Issues, Methods, and Theoretical Perspectives.

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