Policies for Authors | Journal of Financial Crises | Yale University

Policies for Authors


Calls for Submissions

Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in Journal of Financial Crises provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article. From time to time, we may issue a Call for Submissions to request content that supports a special thematic issue. Such calls will generally be of limited duration and will be accompanied by any special guidelines and or instructions. To be sure to receive notice of any such call, please subscribe to the JFC.

Submission Procedures

You should submit your completed manuscript through the Submit Article link on the right side of this page. We only accept manuscripts in MSWord formatted according to our article template. We only accept exclusive submissions. Please let us know in your cover letter if you have previously submitted the manuscript to another journal or publicationand the name of that publication.

Your manuscript should be in American English and formatted to be consistent with our style guidelines.

When submitting your manuscript to the JFC, you should be sure that all the following criteria have been met.

Corresponding Author. One author should be designated as the Corresponding Author in the cover letter with the following contact information:

  • Email address
  • Full postal address
  • Telephone number

The JFC will communicate only with the Corresponding Author regarding the submitted manuscript, the review and editing process, and our publication decision. We will generally communicate only by email. The Corresponding Author is responsible for communicating with all co-authors and keeping them informed.

File Submission. All necessary files will have been sent/uploaded in acceptable formats:

  • Manuscript: Submit in MSWord using our article template
  • Graphical Abstracts/Highlights files (where applicable): These files may be submitted in the following formats: JPEG, PNG, and/or TIFF
  • Supplemental files (where applicable): If text files, submit in MSWord. If graphical, any of the formats identified above for graphical content apply

Review Criteria

The best way to determine if your manuscript is a good fit for the JFC is to review the types of articles that we have published. Unsolicited manuscripts will be reviewed by JFC staff and either rejected or accepted for further review looking toward publication. We will likely reject a manuscript that:

  • Does not consider a topic within our scope of financial crises and stability
  • Considers a topic within our scope but is not intellectually rigorous
  • Considers a topic within our scope but whose contribution to the field is only minor
  • Overlaps significantly with existing published work and presents limited new information
  • Does not meet our quality standards

Problems with quality include: insufficient intellectual depth; an analysis that is inappropriate to the research question being asked, or not sufficiently rigorous; that the language, style, or grammar does not conform to accepted standards of scholarship; or that the manuscript is excessively long. Authors should write in a complete but concise style and, if possible, submit manuscripts that are no longer than about 30 pages, when formatted according to our Style Guidelines included herein.

Manuscripts that are solicited by JFC will also be reviewed by JFC staff according to the above criteria and will be expected to adhere to the Style and Formatting Guidelines stated below.

Style Guidelines

The following guidelines apply to all manuscripts considered by the JFC for publications. It is the author(s)’ responsibility to ensure that these criteria are met.

Manuscript Basics. The manuscript should comply with the following basic guidelines of what to include:

  • The author(s)’s names, and a brief biography and email for each, on the first page
  • An Abstract, limited to 150 to 200 words
  • Suggested keywords and JEF Codes ( no more than 6 each) on the first page
  • All figures (which encompasses charts and tables), numbered sequentially and presented in the text immediately following the first reference to each one. For each, be sure to include:
    1. figure number and title
    2. description (if needed)
    3. footnotes (lettered, not numbered)
    4. source information
    5. clear identification for each axis, element, or column header
  • References cited in the text in Chicago Manual of Style author-date citation form
  • A References List including all (and only) references cited in the text, giving full author names (not initials only) for each author and URLs where available
  • In addition, we ask that:

  • The manuscript is written in American English, as we do not have the resources to translate manuscripts
  • The manuscript is limited to 30 pages with 1” margins on all sides
  • If required, written permission has been obtained for the use of material (such as photos or figures) from other sources (including sources from the Internet)
  • You have reviewed the information regarding submission on this website has been reviewed

Manuscript Formatting

The manuscript should comply with the following formatting guidelines:

  • The manuscript has been formatted in MS Word using our template. Also, please refer to this guide on Applying Styles in Word to learn more about our template's preset JFC Style Sheets.
  • Pages are numbered consecutively with the first page being unnumbered
  • Your manuscript is in Cambria in 12-point
  • The manuscript is in final form and has been "spell checked" and "grammar checked..” A professional copy editor will proofread the final version of your article, but you are responsible for reviewing your submission carefully and addressing any factual errors or inaccuracies. We do not have the resources to fact check your work, so please do this carefully before you send it to us or have it done by a professional fact checker.
  • No edits appear in "Track changes" in the manuscript
  • The first page of the manuscript has been styled to fit the title, author(s) names, abstract, keywords, JEL codes, thank you note, and some publication/copyright info

Editorial Process

The Journal is entitled to edit and revise the manuscript before publication, but the final version of the manuscript is subject to the author(s)' written approval. Author(s) will cooperate in good faith with the Journal's editorial process and abide by its deadlines and editorial requirements. However, the final decision to publish the manuscript lies in the sole discretion of the Journal.

Copyright and Open Access

Authors must assign to the JFC copyright to their accepted manuscript. If your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will be asked to accept the Author Publication Agreement. JFC content, including back issues, is made available to the public free of charge. Use of JFC content is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License which permits certain uses for noncommercial purposes only. You will be asked to agree to these open access terms via the Author Publication Agreement before we publish your manuscript.

JFC is an electronic publication committed to open access. Access to JFC content, including back issues, is available to the public free of charge. Use of JFC content is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .

ln summary, you may copy and redistribute JFC content for non-commercial purposes in any medium or format if appropriate attribution is provided. Appropriate attribution consists of giving proper credit in accordance with the format below. You may not remix, transform, or build upon material, and you may not distribute modified material.

The above summary is for convenience only, and in no manner abrogates the complete license. You are urged to consult the complete license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Attribution format for Copying and/or Redistribution JFC Content — You may use the following form of attribution when copying and/or redistributing FCM content in any manner or format. Use of this notice satisfies the requirements of the Creative Commons license).

Terms of Use Example: Wiggins, Rosalind Z., The Rescue of Bear Stearns, Journal of Financial Crises, Vol. 1 :34 (2018) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. ©2018 Yale University. Except as noted. all rights reserved.