

Executive Editor: Andrew Metrick, Yale School of Management
Managing Editor: Deborah Felstehausen, Yale School of Management
Senior Contributing Editor: Rosalind Z. Wiggins, Yale School of Management
Articles Editor: Angela Vossmeyer, Claremont McKenna College
Assistant Editor: Shavonda Brandon, Yale School of Management

YPFS 2024 Conference: Call for Papers

The Journal of Financial Crises (JFC), an online publication of the Yale Program on Financial Stability (YPFS), seeks to create, preserve, and disseminate knowledge about financial crises. We serve primarily as a vehicle for distributing case studies and surveys of crisis interventions produced by YPFS staff, but we also encourage submissions from outside of Yale. For these submissions, we hope to be an outlet for descriptive and policy-relevant research that might not fit the template of a traditional academic journal. In particular, we aim to publish the useful research done in central banks and international agencies that deserves wider distribution. Submissions are reviewed by journal editors and YPFS staff—we will not ordinarily use external referees.

See About This Journal for a complete description of the journal.

Current Issue: Volume 6, Issue 2 (2024)


Case Study

Case Series: Resolution and Restructuring


India: Yes Bank Restructuring, 2020
Salil Gupta



FHLB Dividends: Low-Hanging Fruit for Reconfiguring FHLB Lending
Steven Kelly, Susan McLaughlin, and Andrew Metrick

Lessons Learned


Lessons Learned: Paul Boothe
Mary Anne Chute Lynch