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For the Year 1993. Year ending September 30, 1993.
Publication Date
Spring 4-1-1994
Harty Press, Inc.
New Haven, CT
Children’s hospital, Bone Marrow transplant, AIDS care program, Health care reform, Community care, Cardiac intensive care, Oncology, Gynecology, Surgery, Labor and delivery, Second phase construction, Memorial unit, East pavilion, Primary care center, WIC, York street entrance, Patient Focused Operational Redesign (PFOR), Ambulatory care, Clinical care support system (CCSS), Toy closet, Veteran affairs medical center, Women’s health, John Fenn MD., Joseph A. Zaccagnino, Marna P. Borgstrom.
Recommended Citation
Yale-New Haven Hospital, "Dedication Yale-New Haven Hospital 1993 Annual Report" (1994). Yale New Haven Hospital Annual Reports. 87.

There were 35,579 patients discharged during the fiscal year. The Hospital concluded the fiscal year as an operational gain. The Children’s Hospital is open and was met with the community’s approval. There were other various renovations including: Primary care center, Geriatric Assessment center, WIC, Dana, and Hunter buildings. The Hospital began the Patient Focused Operational Redesign (PFOR), the system improves Hospital service, quality and cost-effectiveness of patient care. The Hospital also initiated a Quality Improvement Plan which focused on diagnostic imaging, labor and delivery, obstetrics and operating room efficiency.