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For the Year 1985. Year ending September 30, 1985.
This report includes lists of Officers of the Yale-New Haven, Officers of the Hospital, Board of Trustees, Administration, Medical Staff, and the annual report. Medical statistics include medical and surgical cases from October 1, 1984 through September 30, 1985, lists of operations, admissions, discharges and number of births and financial statistic reported. The 1985 report concludes with a listing of donors.
Publication Date
New Haven, CT
Medicare, All payors bill, Strategic planning and management bill, Value improvement plan, Hospital networking, Hospital resources, Voluntary Hospitals of America (VHA), Gaylord Hospital, Magnetic Resonance imaging center, C. Thomas Smith, John E. Fenn MD., Joseph A. Zaccagnino.
Recommended Citation
Yale-New Haven Hospital, "Yale-New Haven 1985 Annual Report" (1985). Yale New Haven Hospital Annual Reports. 84.
There were 25,894 patients discharged during the fiscal year. The fiscal year was challenging in order to meet the standards that Congress passed with the All Payors Bill. In 1983, the Hospital joined the VHA and through that partnership was able to meet the new standards congress passed. Over the past three years, Yale implemented the Value Improvement Plan (VIP), the VIP’s goal is to reduce costs and improve quality. The use of VIP also helped the Hospital maintain the goal of keeping costs low while providing quality care to patients.