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For the year 1984. Year ending September 30, 1984.
Publication Date
Summer 9-30-1984
James Layman. Patient care. Heart attack. Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. Step-down unit. Dr. Judy Smith. Second year surgical resident. Emergency Services. Dr. John Forest. Clinical Research. Effects of lithium on kidney function. Nephrology. Lithium Clinic. Polyuria. Polydipsia. Manic depression. Community Service. Dr. Thomas Dolan. Pediatric Primary Care Center. Lead poisoning. Encephalopathy. Public Health. Yale-New Haven Health Services Corporation. YNHHSC. Strategic Planning Committee. Clinical Medicine Laboratories. Materials Management. Vendors. Value Improvement Program (VIP). Voluntary Hospitals of America (VHA). Patient length of stay. Operational surplus. Physician practice regulations. Hospital-wide computer network. Patient Care Support System. First heart transplant. Liver and kidney transplants. Skin bank. Allografting. Eye Center. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Infertility.
Recommended Citation
Yale-New Haven Hospital, "Yale-New Haven Special Issue : 1984 Annual Report" (1984). Yale New Haven Hospital Annual Reports. 83.
![Yale-New Haven Special Issue : 1984 Annual Report](
The 1984 annual report is published within the Spring 1985 edition of the hospital publication Yale-New Haven Magazine. The table of contents for the magazine include: Patient Care for heart attack, Teaching, Research (The Effects of Lithium on Kidneys), and Community Service (Lead Screening).
The 1984 Annual Report begins on page 23. According to the report, last year the hospital reorganized its corporate structure to meet a changing environment. The Yale-New Haven Health Services Corporation was formed. Under YNHHSC the following activities began Medical Center Realty, Inc., Medical Center Pharmacy and Home Care Center, Inc., Hospital Home Health Care of Connecticut, Inc., and Century Collection Agency, Inc. A federal and state prospective payment plan was introduced, taking away any guarantee that a hospital would recover their full costs of providing care. As a result, YNHH implemented a strategic planning/management process. The Materials Management Department was reorganized resulting in reduced costs and increased efficiency. In 1984 the hospital recorded the best operational surplus in its history, most previous years resulted in deficits. The state’s first heart transplant was performed at YNHH in November and Connecticut’s only skin bank was organized at the hospital.
Images: James Layman, cigarettes in ash tray, unhealthy habits, Dr. Judy Smith, x-ray, medical equipment, Dr. John Forest, rat and beaker, Dr. Thomas Dolan, apartment buildings, lead, F. Patrick McFadden, Jr., C. Thomas Smith, Joseph A. Zaccagnino, Dr. John E. Fenn, and many historic hospital images.