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For the year 1918, presented at the Annual Meeting, October 1918.
Publication Date
The Tuttle, Morehouse, and Taylor Company
New Haven, CT
Recommended Citation
New Haven Hospital, "New Haven Hospital Ninety-First Annual Report of the General Hospital Society of Connecticut for the Year 1918" (1918). Yale New Haven Hospital Annual Reports. 57.
The average cost for a patient was; $14.00 per week, a private room $35.00 per week, and a semi private $21.00 per week. In-town residents paid a discounted rate of $7.00 per week, or $14.00 per week if they were admitted to the contagious hospital.The hospital has suffered a deficit this fiscal year, despite the rise in room rates. The tuberculosis hospital was leased to the United States Army to treat soldiers with tuberculosis. The tuberculosis hospital was renamed United States Army Hospital Number 16. Administrative building was opened in January, allowing more office space for staff and departments. Nursing students remain in the school for three years of study.