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General Hospital Society of Connecticut and the New Haven Dispensary, 1939-1940. Year ending June 30, 1940.
Images include: Clinic Building entrance, laboratory, semi-private room, operation, ambulance, x-ray examination, infection diseases, Eye Clinic, Emergency Room, Exercise Pool in Physical Therapy, newborn, and Dispensary (patient in wheelchair) included in report. Charts used to illustrate some statistics. Report contains a list of Officers of the General Hospital Society of Connecticut and of the New Haven Dispensary. Executive Staff, New Haven Hospital and New Haven Dispensary and William Wirt Winchester Memorial Hospital. Summary of Services. Report of the Executive Committee. Report of the Director. Comparative Analysis of New Haven Hospital Service. Statistical Summary of the New Haven Hospital. Census of Clinics for the New Haven Dispensary. New Haven Dispensary Visits by years. New Haven Dispensary Operating Costs by years. Statistical Summary of the William Wirt Winchester Memorial Hospital. Statistics for Camp Happyland. Donors of Gifts. Twice Around the Clock. Members of the General Hospital Society. Board of Lady Visitors. Officers of the Connecticut Training School for Nurses. Officers for Camp Happyland at the William Wirt Winchester Memorial Hospital. Medical and Nursing Staff of the New Haven Hospital and New Haven Dispensary. Auditors Certificate. Balance Sheet, Statement of General Fund Surplus, Statement of Deficits, Fund Investments, Special Funds, Statement of Special Funds, and Schedule of Free Bed Funds.
Publication Date
Yale University Press
New Haven, CT
William Wirt Winchester Hospital, Camp Happyland, blood bank, National Hospital Day program, Volunteer Services, Nosocomium Club, exit interview
Recommended Citation
General Hospital Society of Connecticut, "General Hospital Society of Connecticut 1939 - 1940" (1940). Yale New Haven Hospital Annual Reports. 18.

The William Wirt Winchester Hospital will be closed on August 1, 1940. The decrease in demand for the tuberculosis hospital was partly due to an increase use of the state sanatoria for tuberculosis. The Committee will now need to find projects that qualify under the terms of Mrs. Winchester’s original gift. More beds and more endowments felt necessary. A campaign to raise money would start in the next two years. A blood bank was established. The Public Relations of the hospital is publishing a monthly magazine geared toward the community. New accounting system in place this year. Growth in Chest Surgery and Neurosurgery.