Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Medical Doctor (MD)
First Advisor
Howard Forman
The purpose of this study is to describe in detail the use of teleradiology in 2003 and to report on changes since 1999 in this rapidly evolving field. We analyze data from the American College of Radiologys 2003 Survey of Radiologists, a stratified, random sample mail survey that achieved a response rate of 63%. Responses were weighted to represent the distribution of individual radiologists and radiology practices nationwide. We present descriptive statistics and regression analysis results on the prevalence and use of teleradiology in 2003 and comparisons with 1999. Overall, 67% of all radiology practices in the United States, which included 78% of all U.S. radiologists, reported utilizing any eleradiology, a significant increase (p<0.05) from the 58% of practices in 1999 reporting teleradiology or PACS use. In practices having teleradiology, home was the most frequent receiving site in both in 1999 (81%) and 2003 (75%), the percentages being not significantly different. In these practices, other transmission patterns also showed no significant changes from 1999 to 2003, including within facility image transmission 59% in 1999 vs. 61% in 2003, and beyond facility image transmission, 47% in 1999 vs. 50% in 2003. Teleradiology was the most commonly used efficiency enhancing mechanism in 2003, being used by more practices than standardized dictation templates or report language (48% of practices) and support staff to hang films (44% of practices). Already a fixture of radiology practice in 1999, teleradiology prevalence increased substantially by 2003, yet with no significant change in the primary uses of teleradiology. In 2003, teleradiology was the most commonly reported efficiency enhancing mechanism used by radiologists.
Recommended Citation
Ebbert, Todd Lawson, "The State of Teleradiology in 2003 and Changes Since 1999" (2006). Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library. 235.
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