Date of Award
January 2014
Document Type
Degree Name
Medical Doctor (MD)
First Advisor
Anthony W. Kim
Subject Area(s)
Medicine, Education
Background & Aims: Feedback from faculty to medical students is vital in medical education. The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility and educational benefits of a program that incorporates seeking immediate feedback by students from their faculty during the third year surgery clerkship.
Methods: Using a cross-over model, students in the intervention group sought daily feedback from their faculty surgeons, while those in the non-feedback comparison group did not seek feedback. These groups crossed over every two weeks for the 8 surgical weeks of their 12-week clerkship. Weekly surveys utilizing 7-point Likert scales were used by students and surgical faculty to measure outcomes.
Results: Student enrollment was 33 of 53. Students reported significantly more weekly immediate feedback sessions in the experimental group (1.21 vs. 0.67, p=0.002). Additionally, in the experimental group, there were significantly more occasions where faculty surgeons provided specific guidance as to how students could further their education (1.25 vs. 0.83, p=0.02). There were no significant differences in student self assessments
or faculty assessments of knowledge and skills. Student participation was
a major impediment to this study.
Conclusions: Despite the challenges, there appear to be educational gains associated with immediate feedback. This suggests that an immediate feedback program can be implemented and may enhance the dialogue in the student-faculty relationship.
Recommended Citation
Garner, Matthew Scoutt, "The Implementation And Positive Effect Of Immediate Feedback On Medical Student Education During The Surgical Clerkship" (2014). Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library. 1880.
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