Date of Award

Summer 7-28-2023

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Medical Science (MMSc)

First Advisor

Sharon Chekijian, MD, MPH


Australian Emergency Departments (EDs) suffer from growing demand leading to increased wait times and length of stay for patients which are correlated with worse outcomes. Physician Assistants/Associates (PAs) have improved patient wait times and length of stay (LOS) in EDs of several countries. The PA role is relatively new to Australia and the effect of PA integration on wait time and LOS for ED patient encounters is unknown. In this study, we will conduct a single center retrospective secondary analysis of health records and hospital data between January and July 2019 of patients treated at the Townsville University Hospital ED by PA and Physician teams, and Physician only teams. Primary outcomes examined will be ED length of stay and wait times. The findings of this study will provide information on the association of PAs with ED metrics in Australia.


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