Date of Award

Summer 6-14-2024

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Medical Science (MMSc)

First Advisor

Samantha Smith, MD


Male Athlete Triad is a syndrome of three interrelated conditions, low energy availability, functional hypogonadism and low bone mineral density, leading to adverse outcomes including bone stress injuries. Evidence-based techniques for preventing bone stress injury in those at risk for Male Athlete Triad have not been identified in existing research. Nutrition education programs can increase athletes’ energy intake and subsequently, energy availability. Therefore, we seek to determine whether a nutrition education program will reduce the incidence of bone stress injuries among collegiate athletes at risk for Male Athlete Triad. Our randomized controlled trial will assess the relative risk of bone stress injury between athletes participating in a 1-year nutrition education program and controls receiving standard of care. Results will add to understanding the relationship between low energy availability and bone stress injury, informing future injury prevention strategies.


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