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Quality in forest tree seed centers in (a) origin; (b) genuineness; (c) purity; and (d) viability. The purchaser should insist on knowing the origin of the seed and the locality where it was collected.

Without seed testing establishments for investigating forest tree seeds by standardized methods under an established technique, nurserymen and foresters will continue to sow seed beds and undertake direct seeding without an adequate knowledge of the origin, genuineness, purity, and viability of the seeds used.



The senior author of this bulletin began germination tests on coniferous tree seeds in 1901. A few years later the work was organized under an established technique. Since 1906 approximately uniform methods have been followed. The tests have been made each year in soil on greenhouse benches and in special germinators. Since the testing of forest tree seeds has been under way the work each year has begun the second week in February and has continued over a period of fifty days. The greenhouses in which these tests were made afford means for the control of temperature, humidity, and solar radiation, thus making possible optimum conditions for germination.

The species tested each year varied in number. In most instances several tests on each species was run independently by different men and the average results used in developing the tables. The seeds, with few exceptions, were purchased in the open market from responsible dealers. They were, therefore, of the same quality as those used by nurserymen and others who obtain their seeds from similar sources. In no case were seeds purchased for use in these tests collected prior to the autumn preceding their purchase. Where seeds were stored longer than a few months they were purchased soon after collection and stored at New Haven under known conditions.

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