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All known type specimens in the fish collection of the Division of Vertebrate Zoology, Peabody Museum of Natural History published prior to 1991 are listed. There are a total of 925 specimens representing 190 nominal species including 159 holotypes, 2 lectotypes, 24 syntypes of 13 nominal species, and paratypes and paralectotypes of 65 nominal species now found in our collection. Most of these specimens were described by David S. Jordan, Louis L. Mowbray, Charles Breder, Albert E. Parr, James E. Morrow, and Alfred W. Ebeling. The large majority of specimens were formerly part of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection which was donated to the Peabody Museum by Mr. Harry P. Bingham. Each listing includes: Species name as originally published; Literature reference to original description; Current type status; YPM catalog number; Locality and collection data; and Remarks, including clarification or correction of information, changes in type status, current taxonomic status with citations where possible, and other information when merited.