Rossby wave analysis of the baroclinic potential energy in the upper 500 meters of the North Pacific
Time series of baroclinic potential energy in the upper 500 meters of the North Pacific (20-50N, 145E-130W) prepared by White (1977a) are analyzed by spectral and cross-spectral methods in the period range from 2 to 10 years. Maximum energy occurs in the 7 to 10 year range over the entire data field. In the 20-30N zone we find first order baroclinic Rossby waves with wave lengths of about 1000 to 3000 km to be the dominating phenomenon in the 7 to 10 year range....
Recommended Citation
Price, James M., and Lorenz Magaard. 1980. "Rossby wave analysis of the baroclinic potential energy in the upper 500 meters of the North Pacific." Journal of Marine Research 38, (2).