A Comparison of the Effects of Isometric Handgrip AND Dynamic Exercise on Systolic Time Interval Determinations in Normals and in Patients with Angina Pectoris

Lawrence Paul Temkin


[from MATERIALS and METHODS section]

Thirteen asymptomatic normal male medical students and hospital employee volunteers and seven ambulatory male patients with coronary artery disease identified by history of angina pectors and previous myocardial infarction and/or positive selective coronary arteriography were studied....

Of the subjects constituting the angina group all had a history compatible with exertion or cold-Induced chest pain.

Heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, PEP/LVET, LVET/EICT and calculated ejection fraction changes were plotted and analyzed in terms of the absolute changes in the measured values. QSpI, S1S2I, LVETI, PEPI, and EICT were graphically portrayed and statistically analyzed In terms of percentage changes from the control level immediately prior to the onset of the particular stress.